2 years agoTrusted User
Where is the IR345 form
Hi I cannot find the IR345 form in the new essentials???
- 2 years ago
Hi Tracey,
We can create a Customer report to generate IR345. Please see the steps below. Also, always double-check with IRD regarding the payment amount before you process payment. Please note I use MYOB Essential.
Reprots-Payroll-Pay Items transactions. Open the Pay Items transaction and choose the date from the beginning to the end of the month. Pay items to chosen, ESCT(can search employer superannuation contribution tax), Kiwisaver employee, KiwiSaver employer and PAYE. Total four pay Items. Then, save as IR345. After that, you can find it in the custom report. You can choose the date range each time you run the report. Also, you can click the pay items to check the details. Hope it can help.Thanks!