Forum Discussion

adsykk's avatar
5 years ago

different amount on statment in sales page & customer statement

Hi Guys,


I get a question: I suddenly find the amount of the statemeng of one customer in the Sales page($9064.99) is different with the final customer statement( pdf)/receivable analysis($8781.83).


Who do know what happen ? I am totally confused.


there is no wrong date issued.




  • Hi adsykk 


    Just for elimination, check under the Returns & Credits tab for this Customer. If there is nothing there, it is most likely an error in the file that would need to be investigated and fixed, either by MYOB or others who specialise in analysing and repairing MYOB files. Verification and Optimisation don't pick up most balance issues that arise in MYOB files. For example if a balance sheet is out of balance the user is not alerted to this by the software - only when someone takes a close look.


    Send me a private message if you want contact details for a specialist who will analyse the file for free. There would be a fee if a repair is involved.





3 Replies

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  • Hi adsykk 


    The $9064.99 amount includes invoices to 16 June 2020. The Analyse Receivables is for any point in time. Look for future dated invoices and or payments. Check to 30 June 9998. Try setting statement date on first image to 30 June 9998 also.


    If there is no future dated trans, it might be a corruption in the file. Run File > Verify company file.





    • adsykk's avatar

      Hi Gavin12345,


      Thanks for your reply.


      As you suggested, I did both checked and there are no future transaction and no corruption in company file.


      Please see the attached screenshots.


      The difference still exists. 

      • gavin12345's avatar
        Ultimate User

        Hi adsykk 


        Just for elimination, check under the Returns & Credits tab for this Customer. If there is nothing there, it is most likely an error in the file that would need to be investigated and fixed, either by MYOB or others who specialise in analysing and repairing MYOB files. Verification and Optimisation don't pick up most balance issues that arise in MYOB files. For example if a balance sheet is out of balance the user is not alerted to this by the software - only when someone takes a close look.


        Send me a private message if you want contact details for a specialist who will analyse the file for free. There would be a fee if a repair is involved.


