Forum Discussion

Epeperkamp's avatar
2 years ago

Filter report based on content of a field

I was wondering if I could filter rows based on the content of their column?

What I currently have:
A report which I customized with the columns I wish to view

What I want:

In this report, filter out the rows which don't contain keywords in their description. I wish for my custom report to only display the records that have "commission" in their description.

I can't seem to find anything regarding such options.




3 Replies

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  • SamaraM's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Enzo (Epeperkamp)


    Welcome to the Community Forum. I'm struggling to find a report that has a description as one of the columns to reproduce your enquiry. do you know what report you used as the base for your custom report?


    If you simply wanted a way to categorise your transactions, you might find it easier to use the Categories function, so you can create and assign categories for the different keywords you want to filter by.

    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • Epeperkamp's avatar

      Hi SamaraM ,

      Thank you for your reply. I am attaching here a snippet of what the report looks like. This report was found under Purschases -> Purchases [Supplier Detail], and I have then added extra fields by clicking the "Insert/Modify" tab


      In the "Description" field, values can range from "Installation ...", "Meeting...", "Commission...". I would like to filter the report to only show records with "Commission" in their Description field. 


      I looked into the link you sent me (the "Categories"), and I don't seem to have access to it.



      • SamaraM's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Enzo (Epeperkamp)


        Can I confirm which version of AccountRight you are using? (I am asking because this function is only available for Standard/Pro/Premier products).


        If you are using one of the above, can you also check your access by going to Setup > User Access and check that the user role you are assigned to has the role ticked for Categories? 


        Otherwise another workaround would be to export to csv then open on Excel and use the filter feature to filter those keywords you are looking for.  

        If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.