Forum Discussion

Six2do's avatar
2 years ago

How do print customer receipts not enabled on my system


I need to issue recepit to customers for payment please 

How do I do this as its becoming emabaressing writing receipts for customers!

I have searched and searched and it looks like it hasnt been enabled in our software

Please advise ASAP

Kind Regards 


2 Replies

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  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User



    this is a screenshot of accountright sales window, does yours not look like this?


    What version are you using?




  • Hello Six2do 


    When a customer makes a payment, you will provide them with a copy of the invoice (showing the payment) as a receipt.


    You can do this by emailing or printing off and giving them a paper copy. I have attached a Help Article on emailing, printing or downloading invoices which will give you steps on how you can do so to provide your customers with receipts.