Forum Discussion

SeriouslySunny's avatar
5 years ago

How to process customer return for one business against another invoice for company owned by the same person

Hi, A customer paid an invoice twice. I created a customer return for this payment, and they have asked for it to be credited against an invoice for another business (different contact within MYOB) ...
  • Steven_M's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi SeriouslySunny 


    The process I would use is the following:

    1. Go to your Business Name Menu (top right)>>Accounts >>Accounts List>>Add accounts and add in a new bank account. Don't forget to select Save after making that change
    2. Process the first payment on the invoice if you haven't already (as per normal - Sales>>Take payments)
    3. Once recorded, go to Sales>>Invoices and navigate to that required invoice and add a $1 to the invoice amount (or add in another $1) before selecting Save. This $1 will make the invoice reappear back into the Take Payments window so you can record that other payment.
    4. Sales>>Take payments>>Enter the second payment. In the Total Amount Received and Payment Amount fields enter the actual payment i.e. if they paid $100 enter $100, not $101. This will generate you a customer return for that customer
    5. You would then repeat Step 3 but instead of adding that $1 charge you would remove it.
    6. With the customer return you would go to Sales>>Process customer returns, highlight the required customer return and select Refund to customer. You would need to update the From account to be the account created in Step 1 before selecting Save
    7. Once completed, you would do a Sales>>Take payment for that second customer and with the Deposit to account being that newly created account.

    The above process records the second payment (i.e. the overpayment), generates a customer return which is applied to a holding account which in turn is used on the other customer's record to pay the invoice.


    Do let us know how you get on and if you require further assistance