Forum Discussion

Zappy's avatar
Valued Partner
2 years ago

Last sale date

I want a list of inventory items with the last sale date 


What do I do?


Ive rang support FOUR TIMES 



8 Replies

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  • Hi Zappy 


    Unless there has been a new report added recently to AR that I am not aware of, what you want, MYOB cannot provide. There are various Sales > Item reports, however are based on a date period and do not include last date used.


    There might be an after market add on that has this report. FGH Tables can provide a spreadsheet with this info however you would need to send them a backup of the file.




    • Zappy's avatar
      Valued Partner

      Thanks Gavin for your reply


      Thanks for the recommendation the query is a little more urgent unfortunately. 


      Have a great Thursday


      • Hannah_V's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi, Zappy I apologize for the late reply.


        Don't hesitate to post your inquiry and I'll be happy to assist you.


