Forum Discussion

TobwabbaAMS2428's avatar
Cover User
2 years ago

MYOB Account Right Software Versus App

Hi all,


I am comfortable in using the MYOB Account Right software.


It seems to me that MYOB is forcing the use of the MYOB app.


I am trying but I cannot seem to find the templates when entering sales, purchases, and transfers.


Should I use the app, can I use the old templates or do I have to create those templates again?


Thank you




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  • Hello TobwabbaAMS2428 


    When referring to the app are you talking about the Web Browser version of AccountRight? If so you don't have to use this version if you don't wish to, you can continue using the AccountRight Software from the desktop application. 

    The use of the Web Browser AccountRight is to make it easier to access away from your main PC, that being said there are things that aren't yet implemented, such as layouts.  I have attached a Help Article on what you can and can't do in AccountRight web browser which details more. 

    I hope this information helps you