Forum Discussion

wisdom82's avatar
3 years ago

Purchase order duplicating

We have had the instance of the same purchase order number being allocated to two different suppliers.  Two different staff have entered the orders, but not at the same time.  I thought that it should be whoever recorded the entry first got that number, so even if they were entering at the same time, it shouldn't have resulted in a duplication.  Anyone else struck this?

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  • SamaraM's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi wisdom82 


    Welcome to the Community Forum. It is possible for 2 invoices to have the same invoice number, however you can tell the software to show a warning to prevent confusion. 


    There are 2 preferences you might want to turn on:


    1. To prevent duplicate invoice numbers being used:

    Setup > Preferences > Sales> Warn for Duplicate...Numbers on Recorded Sales

    Setup > Preferences > Purchases > Warn for Duplicate...Numbers on Recorded Purchases 


    2. To keep the same invoice number when converting a quote or order to an invoice:

    Setup > Preferences > SalesRetain Original Invoice Number when Quotes Change to Orders or Invoices.

    Setup > Preferences > Purchases Retain Original PO Number when Quotes Change to Orders or Bills.


    Please let me know if you have any further questions. 


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.