Forum Discussion

1984's avatar
3 years ago

Regarding job profit and loss per Manager


I want to know that can I get a job profit and loss statement per Job Manager in Myob. (I ant to get a report to show how much profit a certain manager made in a certain period of time.)



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  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi Nisha

    you could try running the job activity detail report in accounts tab. 

    go to advanced filter

    select insert modify tab

    go to show hide

    select job manager and show

    in filters you can select the job you want ant the period you want it for then run


    this is not available in the job P&L report unfortunately. 

    if this works for you save the report to custom reports and the additional job manager setting will be saved there for future use


    not sure if this helps but worth a try

