Forum Discussion

Carmen4's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Custom Report

Have many casual employees who may no longer work for the company.   Need to know if I can get a report or create a report that will show me the date when an employee was last paid so that I can either inactivate the employee card or terminate them.  I have a staff listing of more than 300 so would like a report rather than having to going thru each employee's payroll record from July 2022 to now.   I have looked at all the payroll reports available and cannot see one that provides just the employees name & the date of the last pay, this is all I need but will take anything that gives me the date last paid.


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  • Hello Carmen4 


    Thank you for your post. 


    You are able to customise reports to show additional data or to tweak them to your needs. 


    I have linked our Help Article on customising reports which will details how to add sections to your report. 


    If you are unable to get the information you want added to your report you may need to look for a third-party plug in which will allow you to extract this data.