Forum Discussion

Jackie4504's avatar
Cover User
2 years ago

Error with leave balance after reinstating employee

I am having the same issue as a previous person. We have reinstated an employee who was terminated and had all leave paid out. Upon reinstating him, he has an incorrect leave balance which should be zero leave entitled. After searching posts, I can see this is a common issue with MYOB and the only way to resolve it is to send the file into them. Unfortunately, I have already reinstated him rather than starting a new card, as I can see this also helps resolve the issue.

Can someone from MYOB please get in touch so I can have this file fixed? 

Thank you

11 Replies

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  • Hi Jackie4504


    Thanks for your post and welcome to the Community Forum ! If the Entitlement balance detail report is out of balance can you please send me a private message with the below details so I can arrange the repair for you:

    • The employee's name
    • The date of termination
    • The date of reinstatemenT
    • Serial number
    • Your full name and email address
    • HWF's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi, I am having the same issue.  When I tried the link for Private Message, it doesn't seem to work.  I need to run payroll again for this rehired employee.  How can I fix the leave balances as they should be 0.  


      • Melisa_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi HWF


        Thanks for your post. I've responded to you via your post here and have enabled your private message access.