The above link to the ATO PAYG withholding labels outlines that long service leave is included in W1
For the ATO category, if the long service leave is part of a termination payment, use the "Unused Leave on Termination" category. Otherwise, select the ATO category "Other Paid Leave." We recommend creating two separate leave pay items to distinguish between these two types of leave
Include at W1 total gross payments from which you are usually required to withhold amounts. These payments include:
- salary, wages, allowances and leave loading paid to employees (including those subsidised by JobKeeper payments)
- director fees
- salary and allowances paid to office holders (including members of parliament, statutory office holders, defence force members and police officers)
- payments made by a labour hire firm to labour hire workers under a labour hire arrangement
- employment termination payments
- payment for unused annual or long service leave
- payments to religious practitioners
- superannuation (super) income stream
- super lump sum
- Commonwealth education and training payments.
- attributed personal services income.