Forum Discussion

Lw0905's avatar
Contributing User
15 days ago

ETP for Some Terminated Employees Not On STP Verification Report

We started myob payroll mid-year and entered opening balances on the pay history for each employee's card file.  Fast forward to end of 2024, all payroll categories between Payroll Summary / Payroll Register and STP Verification reports match except for ETP paid to employees who were terminated before the transition to myob payroll.  ETP figures for employees who were paid from MYOB payroll appear correctly on the STP Verification Report.  Somehow, even though all other categories like Gross Wages, Allowances, etc on the pay history for those terminated employees carried across to STP report correctly, only the ETP figures did not.  I have tried doing updates but that did not work. What else can be done?

3 Replies

  • Lw0905's avatar
    Contributing User

    Hi Jemar_C ,


    Thanks for your reply.  However, when I check out the post for the workaround, I am not sure how the first and last step will work in my situation: 


    However, here's some steps you may process in order to show your ETP payments from STP phase 1 to STP 2. 

    • Undo the finalisation for impacted employees and reverse the ETP payment.   [not able to undo the final pays and reverse the ETP payments as the impacted employees were terminated before we started MYOB payroll. They were not paid from MYOB]
    • Check the Payroll Register report to ensure that the ETP amounts for the impacted employees are showing 0. [okay - if I remove the ETP figures from the pay history of the impacted employees' card files, the ETP amounts on the Payroll Register report would show 0]
    • Go to Payroll Reporting center, highlight the employee with the termination payment and click remove, notify the ATO. [okay - I should be able to undo the termination of those employees on the Payroll Reporting centre]
    • Reprocess the ETP payment again ensuring the date entered is the next date to the date of reversal and terminate the employee. [how can I reprocess the ETP payments without it affecting the Electronic Clearing or Payroll Clearing balance as there were no prior reversals to offset against?]

    After the process, you may send an update event and check your YTD verification report.


    If I were to think outside the box a little, do you think it may work if I were to (1) remove the ETP amounts in the opening pay history of the impacted employees' card files, (2) remove or undo their termination in the Payroll Reporting Centre and on their card files, (3) process ETP payments only and file STP, (4) notify ATO by adding their termination details on the EOFY tab, (5) check STP Reporting centre to see if now those ETP figures appear on the impacted employees STP Verification report.  If that works, then after finalisation, I reverse the ETP payments and re-enter the same ETP amounts back on their pay history.


    I spoke to MYOB support today and the suggestion was that I provide payslips of the affected employees generated under the previous software for importing into myob.  I am not even sure that I can get hold of the payslips from the previous software.  It really should not have been so hard!


    • Jemar_C's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi Lw0905,


      I understand that it might be a bit of work. You may, however try to check this other workaround that maybe work for you in this thread.




  • Jemar_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Lw0905,


    Thanks for your post. Usually this happens when customers have declared employees that have been terminated and processed an ETP over the last financial year, while in STP 1 with a STP 2 ATO reporting category not assigned, and later transitioned to STP 2. You may check out this post for the workaround that has been done.


    Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.


