JKB's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Bank Feeds: Rules - Ability to set up based on amount

At present we have two transactions per month with the same description - loan debits but for different amounts and different loans.  This description is preset and cannot be altered by the bank.  If the bank feed rule allowed us to allocate a $ amount as well as the description to the rule then the rule would work correctly.  AT present MYOB cant identify which rule to apply as it only works off the description which is the same for both rules.


Unless there are alternatives which could work around this issue?


"More advanced options for bank feed rules"


  • Ok. So we have clarified there is no timeframe.


    In that case could you let us know what is planned for 2015.3 and 2015.4?


    Between my MYOB and MYOB BankLink subscriptions/fees this is $3k/year about to walk out the door (1st July onwards).



  • Hi gindi


    Thank you for your feedback and enquiry. At this stage AccountRight 2015.3 is planned as the compliance release. Updated tax tables for the 2015- 2016 payroll year will be added. There could possibly also be fixes to some known issues.

    Unfortunately at this stage we do not have specific details of what will be included in AccountRight 2015.4 release. The primary aim of the release will be further workflow improvements, and resolving some known issues within the program.


  • This is a really necessary feature.  So much data comes in with the same narration and having "amount" parameters to distibguish them is imperative.  Banlink have been doing this for 20 years - come on guys!

  • We need Bank Feed Rules that can be customised in detail based on additional parameters such as the 'value of the transation' or a 'value range', the 'date/date range', as well as just the transaction description. 


    Some clients would also benefit from rules that can dynamically match invoice references numbers in payments to the invoices that have been issued.


    Furthermore, I should be able to apply a recurring transaction to a bank feed transaction. Currently MYOB doesnt let me do this, I have to enter the values manually to split that single transaction between different accounts.


    Some very simple additions to the bank rule options could fix this. Could you please add this into the next update.