Janice70's avatar
6 years ago

Card: Employee - Add an ABN to Other Employment Basis cards

"Adding ABN to Other Employee Card"

1 Comment

  • Okay, so It jumped to saving before I had a chance to write about it....


    MYOB Business Enterprise package has the capability to include an ABN rather than a Tax File Number.  I believe it is important to be incuded in MYOB AR Plus.

    A major oversight I believe.  I have two clients who have contractors that have an agreed Voluntary Withholding Tax, The Contractor only provides an ABN, He is not registered for GST. He has 20% taken out of his Gross Earnings which must be accounted for at W1 and the 20% must be accounted for at W3.  He also has SGC calculted and I want to use the Payroll Liabilities window to include it, so as to not have it forgotten. But I have to request his TFN and there fore that changes the relationship in MYOB.  

    IF you could please look into this as soon as possible and make it happen, it would make my life and many others lives more simple. Thank you!