MHS's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Card File: Ability to set head office cards/accounts

One feature that is lacking from MYOB is the abillity to have a Head Office account so multiple customers can have their invoices combined onto one statement. 


for example one of our customers is a chain of hardware stores currently we use one account (ABC Hardware - head office)  to invoice the store in the PO# we put the PO # Town it would be much simpler if we could have an account for each store (much easier when looking at their history) that is then charged back to the Head Office account and will appear on one statement easily identified by our customer as PO # Town   Inv #


Hope this make sense :) 


"Customer Cards - Head Office Accounts"


  • This seems a simple thing to implement but will have a major effect on usability. We desperately need it and would prefer not to use add ons where possible.

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Thank you for your feedback Plasticman


    I understand that you would prefer to see these changes made to the AccountRight software so that you can easily handle invoices involving Head Offices.


    As Barry_C mentioned we would love to see interest from more users so that our developers can consider this change in AccountRight software. The suggestions by third party developers are great for customers who are comfortable using an Add-On with their AccountRight software. 



  • Plasticman's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    As our major customer has over 700 stores, this idea caught our eye.  We invoice to the head office however at the moment, we need to have all the stores individually recorded.  Surely it cant be that hard to link these by a common field with MYOB?


    We are not interested in adding more software when we have multiple users and our system needs to be very simple.  I gather MYOB is not interested in adding this feature.....?????


  • Alison_Anigo's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    Hi MHS,


    This topic caught my interest as here at Anigo Systems, we develop some software called Mobileezy which also contains a head office feature.  This feature is very similar to that described by Nicolas at Accounting Add Ons.


    Using Mobileezy linked to your MYOB file, you can associate branch office and head office cards together and when sales are created to the branch office in Mobileezy, the invoice is raised to the head office automatically, allowing you to send full statements of all branch office activities to the head office.


    If you'd like more information, check us out at the add-on solutions section or email usat


    Hope this helps,




    Alison Bennett




  • Status changed:
    Thanks for the idea MHS. I can certainly understand having the ability to link cards to a head office card could make reporting and invoicing an easier process. As Nic-Acc-addons mentioned there are some 3rd party programs that may suit your current requirements. To have this type of functionality added to the software, we would love to hear what other users think.
  • Hi MHS,


    We at Accounting Addons have created an Head Office/Store solution which allows you to invoice at the store and the solution takes care of synchronising much of the info against a Head Office card.


    It also handles the receipt of payments and applies it against the store.


    The data is all contained through MYOB, as such, you don't need to fiddle with external info. You simply need to identify the store cards, the head office cards and how they match.


    I recommend you email Jeff, my boss, if you are interested further.


    You can find us at


    Best of luck


    Nicolas Emmerich

    Lead developer at Accounting Addons.

  • Can we have multiple customers on one statement. I have a company that has many stores New Zealand wide and I would like them separate so they are easy to find within the company file, but I would like to combine them on 1 statement as all the accounts go to the same place. I don't want to be sending 50 odd statements for each individual store, but I still want to be able to track sales for each individual store.