WattsBros's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Card File: Designation default to be Individual not Company

Most of our Customers are individual so everytime I create a new customer (multiple times a day) I have to manually change the Designation. An opportunity to set Individual as the default would be an advantage


"Re: Change from Company to Individual as default on Customer card information"


  • Yes absolutely. All my customers are individuals and the default to company is driving me nuts. I'd previously been using AccountEdge for many years and I did not experience this issue. 

  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hello Goolie63


    Thank you for your feedback, I have passed your comments onto the team. 


    All other users that would like to see this changed in a future upgrade please comment and vote on this idea.  

  • I too would like to be able to change the default. It was my default in AccountRight v19. Please allow this default to be changed. It is only a minor issue but as previously said if you are creating multiple customers every day it is one thing less you have to worry about.

  • Company or Individual?  At least have V19's last use of type stay there.  I rarely need a Company in particularly sales.  

  • Status changed:

    Hi WattsBros

    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight and card designation. 

    Currently the AccountRight 201x program will default to Company. I would encourage users that would like to see the last remember setting or always default to Individual to vote and comment if required for this idea.