Julie_B's avatar
Trusted User
12 years ago

Cards: Ability to change card type ie. Customer to Supplier

When entering data say via Spend Money in AccountRight Standard v19 (or less) you can create the card as you go.  I have inadvertently on a number of occasions created a customer card instead of a supplier card, and transactions have been allocated to the card over the years automatically. On occasions I have picked this up and have just change the card-type without a hitch BUT in the 2012 version this cannot be done. I have just picked up another card in my data file that has the incorrect card type but this field is now greyed out.  Can we please be able to alter this field again.



  • Hi,

    I have this problem too. Is there any way that the customer types can be amended to the correct customer type?

  • Hi, Could I suggest that checking that all cards are correct before upgrading from V19 to AR2012.9 please be added to the upgrade instructions as a matter of urgency if this is not an easy fix? I had this same problem when upgrading a customers file yesterday. If I had if known I would have corrected the cards beforehand. Someone had entered a lot of Supplier cards incorrectly as both customer and employee cards and they can't be changed and as Julie explained the drop down is greyed out. Thanks, Julia
  • Hi, upgraded a client file today from Accounting Plus to AR Live. Software looking great.
    Some Supplier cards had been created incorrectly as customer or employee cards and I did not seem to be able to change them using the drop down as it was greyed out and seemed locked. Is this right or am I doing something wrong? If this can't be changed could you please organise to fix this ASAP? Very important to be able to change the card type in the event that it was set up incorrectly. Thanks, Julia
  • Haven't tried it with the new version - will let you know.  The problem I had with this was AR2011, and yes, then conversion cards (already created with data entry attached to them).

  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Was this a card created before converting to the current version?


    When creating a new card during transaction entry, the current program now defaults to the correct card type, ie Spend money > Supplier, and Receive money > Customer.