KLP's avatar
9 years ago

Cards: Employee birthday notification

Hi, Would be great if when you logged into MYOB it would tell you if someone has had a birthday.  ie a Juniors pay rate then needs to be changed.  Very frustration when you find out a staff member had a birthday a month agao and you need to then to a back pay for the increased rate of pay.


"employee birthday - PAY UPDATE"


  • JKB's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Every other database I work in professionaly that colects birthdays actually has interface that allows birthday emails to be sent out automatically let alone remind me automatically that its someones birthday.  I too use this contact log but what a big hassle and such a backward way of doing things!!!!!  Come on MYOB web based software is just the start of your woes -  the simple features like this berthday alert being requested make you light years behind your competitors.

  • David_Cree's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

     Hello Kerryn KLP

    MYOB can be setup to do what you want by using the Contact Log in the Cards.

    firstly in Setup / Preferences /  Windows select the option to Display the To Do List when opening.


    Then open the employee card and open the Contact Log tab.



    Now when you open MYOB or click on the TO DO LIST at the bottom of the screen you wiull be reminded of the birthday so you can change ther rate.


    you could open it from here and change the recontact date to the next year.




  • A feature that I think would be very useful to anybody who does payroll... when you go to do a pay run and put in the start and finish date of the pay run, wouldn't it be great if MYOB alerted you that one of your staff had a birthday during the pay period???I would find this particularly useful as a bookkeeper as I do the payroll for several businesses, so don't know the staff personally.  Many businesses employ 'juniors' which means the pay rate needs changing if they have a birthday.  A popup would be so much more useful than having all employee birthdays from several different businesses in my email calendar.



    • TTCQLD's avatar
      Cover User

      I agree, birthdays are important. Plus we look more professional as senior staff, when we get things right

    • KattC's avatar
      Former Staff
      Status changed:

      Hello Beach 


      Yes this will be useful for clients employing juniors, if there is anyone else that would like this to be considered in a future releases, please comment and click on Vote+ on the idea. 

  • It would be great if MYOB would remind the operator when an under age employee had birthday so that the wage rates could be changed.

    Also whwn an apprentice reached 2nd or 3rd year anniversary.



    • PBAaccounts's avatar
      Cover User

       This is an oustanding idea! It's an absolute pain to update outlook calendar reminders when, MYOB should run a pretty basic pop-up reminder for Birthdays.


      Even a simple, integrated 'plug-in' similar to how Wordpress offers, would be handy. 

    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi Annie65


      Thanks for your feedback in regards to this idea.

      Along with commenting for an idea on the AccountRight Idea Exchange you can show your support by voting. To vote for an idea select the + VOTE Button to the left of the idea's name.