ELC-Leo's avatar
Experienced Cover User
12 years ago

Cards: Set a default Invoice Delivery Status (system wide)

Currently there isn't a preference to set all cards as "To be Emailed" as their default invoice delivery status.


This sounds like a great idea for our AccountRight Idea Exchange. The exchange has been developed for our users to submit their ideas for potential release in a future upgrade. It is monitored by our Product Development team and allows users to comment, vote and submit their own suggestions for product improvement.

Kind Regards, 

MYOB Client Support

"A preference to set all cards as "To be Emailed" as their default invoice delivery status"


  • Hi NicoleH2015

    Thank you for your enquiry into this idea

    Currently this idea is still under consideration. At this stage we don't have a time frame for when this particular idea will be added to the program. However we are still encouraging clients that would like to see this idea included to vote and comment if required 

  • Hi ELC-Leo 

    Thank for your ongoing feedback in regards to this idea, I have shared it with the team.

    Currently the idea is still under consideration.  I would still encourage other users to vote and comment if required for this idea.

  • ELC-Leo's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    This has been requested for many years and is a daily frustration for me and my staff.
    I would really aprecaite more control of default settings instead of having to remember to click through various tabs changing them every single time I add a new customer.

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi firstchoice,


    I understand you would like to be able to set up a default delivery status for all cards. Our developers are looking into making this possible in a future update. In the meantime do consider John's suggestion of setting up the preference (under Setup >> Preferences >> Sales / Purchase tabs) to 'automatically Print / Email or Save Invoices / Purchases when saved. 

  • firstchoice's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I would very much like to be able to  set all cards with a default invoice delivery status.  

  • Betabiz's avatar
    Experienced Cover User



    It would be really useful to be able to add a Default Invoice Delivery status to all new customers, via the Easy Setup Assistant.  And perhaps a Statement Delivery Status in the system.


    Also, I have had requests from a number of clients who want to be able to categorise their clients into those that are emailed Statements vs those that are posted Statements.  At the moment we use the custom lists - but this is not really an ideal solution.  Once statements are emailed, it would be ideal for those that were getting posted statements, to be the only ones appearing in the Print Statements screen.




    • KateRange's avatar
      Cover User

      Default Invoice Delivery Status would be fantastic!!

      Come on MYOB, this is something that should be so basic to do and should be a standard option.

  • Status changed:

    Great idea and fits well with other suggestions for creating default card templates. In the meantime, one option that could be useful is the Sales preference to automatically print, email or save invoices when they're recorded. This also works for purchases.