ELC-Leo's avatar
Experienced Cover User
12 years ago

Cards: Set a default Invoice Delivery Status (system wide)

Currently there isn't a preference to set all cards as "To be Emailed" as their default invoice delivery status.


This sounds like a great idea for our AccountRight Idea Exchange. The exchange has been developed for our users to submit their ideas for potential release in a future upgrade. It is monitored by our Product Development team and allows users to comment, vote and submit their own suggestions for product improvement.

Kind Regards, 

MYOB Client Support

"A preference to set all cards as "To be Emailed" as their default invoice delivery status"
  • ELC-Leo's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Apprecaite the advice, thanks, David, which I hope might be helpful to someone, though it doesn't apply to this situation.
    We don't want to change the invoice delivery method of all exisitng cards. 

    We want to change the default invoice delivery method for all NEW cards, so that we don't have to change it manually to "To be Emailed" every time we set up a new customer card.

    Even those who use mixed invoice delivery methods would benefit from being able to set the default invoice delivery method for new cards to the method which the majority of their customers use. That way they would only have to change the minority of customers' invoice delivery methods. 

    I don't see the down side of this...

  • CoreyDS's avatar
    Contributing Cover User


    every business is different and for me it would be great to be able to set a system wide default for invoice delivery and also terms.  Currently I have to manually adjust every single customer's settings because our delivery method and terms are not MYOB's default.  As my business primarily handles new and unique clients rather than revolving existing clients having to manually update non-default settings on every new customer creates a lot of extra work...

  • VoiceX's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    it would be great to also have a method of to be emailed AND printed

  • Its a shame that after 8 years this still hasn't been actioned.


    ELC-Leo wrote:

    Currently there isn't a preference to set all cards as "To be Emailed" as their default invoice delivery status.


    This sounds like a great idea for our AccountRight Idea Exchange. The exchange has been developed for our users to submit their ideas for potential release in a future upgrade. It is monitored by our Product Development team and allows users to comment, vote and submit their own suggestions for product improvement.

    Kind Regards, 

    MYOB Client Support

    "A preference to set all cards as "To be Emailed" as their default invoice delivery status"

  • DazzaB's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Myob has been asked to produce some real usefull changes to the basic operation of almost all parts of the sales/purchasing/invetory system for the last 20 plus years and so far 




    unless its a pretty graph or pretty useless report for CEOs and CFOs or the Accountant


    When MYOb started there were no emails as such and so far they havnt got their heads around using them at the business level regarding invoicing etc 

    Its the unfortunate fact of they know BEST about how we run our business and how we should bend our misguided ideas to conform to their vision of how to run a business 

    Just a point of view after 28 years of using myob (since 1993) and what was once the cutting edge of  business programs is now at the opposite end 

    Just give us a few real game changing HMI (human machine interface ) changes so we can use the data in MYOb to our advantage and not make do with "WORKAROUNDS" to cover for a lack of real understanding of what a wide variety of business require

    And that is FLEXIBILITY in the working of the program so we can set it up as WE the OWNERS need it to be


    LONG term user but seriosly looking for something better unless some real changes are made soon


  • jasmin's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I would like to set Invoice Delivery default to "To be printed and emailed" for all customer cards.


  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    Just came here to add my vote, but it turns out I already did, years ago. COME ON MYOB!!!!! Surely the majority of your customers now email invoices rather than printing them. At least let us change the default for ourselves. This is beyond a joke. It would be such a timesaver. 


    Along with being able to turn on invoice reminders at set up stage instead of having to save the card then go back into it... 


    Looking forward to the next update. Maybe it will actually have something useful in it. Even ONE THING we've been requesting for years, to give us hope that maybe you really do take these ideas on board because in reality, it doesn't look like it. It seems more like you do whatever your developers think will work. I'm not sure anything is even tested by "real world" users before being implemented. Enough ranting. It's just that every time I come into the forum my blood boils and I want to mention every single frustration again in the hope that maybe, one day, SOMETHING will be done about even ONE of the myriad small things that drive me absolutely nuts in MYOB now. 

  • MBb's avatar
    Contributing User

    Can you please create a new PRESET option in the Sales. For invoices to be Printed and Emailed.

    At the moment this option has to be manually selected everytime!

    You can only preset Printed or Emailed individually!