AlanT's avatar
Ultimate Partner
11 years ago

Copy & paste while customising forms

I have created a customised invoice in the Professional group and now want to create the same looking invoice in the Time Billing group.


It appears there is no sensible way to do this other than start again from scratch.  Having spent many hours lineing all the objects up and testing the form, I am not looking forward to wasting all that time when I should be able to simply copy and paste from one form to the other.


I can copy and paste one object at a time between forms, but as soon as I try to select more than one object at a time, the Copy button becomes disabled.


I tried exporting the custom form and importing again, hoping I'd be able to change the group, but then when I try to use the imported form, I get a message that there is nothing to print.


Please MYOB, could we have some simple way to migrate forms between groups.

1 Comment

  • interAccounts's avatar
    Valued Partner

    It would be great to be able to copy the format of one customised form to another, and not just between invoice types.


    Changing between invoice types is something that happens on a semiregular basis so this needs to be changed at least.


    For those who wish to have standardised multiple customised forms (eg. Invoice, sales statement, payslip, Remittance advice etc) its a very lengthy process especially when there's a lot of formatting involved.


    I know that some fields are available in some forms but not available in others due to their nature, but there are some fields which are applicable in all forms.  


    I prefer to have a standard format for all documents released to clients and to be able to have all forms within MYOB looking the same it takes hours to ensure each form is customised properly.  


    Maybe a solution would be to have a standard template where we can design the layout of our letterhead (header, footer and preferred font details) and then have each form linked to this initial template.  Each customised form would then have the same header, footer and preferred font details with the body having the fields specific to that form which we can then customise.