MP44's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

EBIITDA format in P&L report

Is it possible to create a P&L report using EBITDA format?


Alternatively is it possible to renamethe P&L headings 'Operating Profit', 'Other Income' and 'Other Expenses' in the standard P&L reports?

1 Comment

  • Similar request for adapting the Standard P&L report to provide a sub-total for EBIT.


    That is: Below the Operating Profit line, provide a separate sub-total line in BOLD "EBIT" showing total Expenses + Non-Direct Operating Expenses.


    This sub-total would not be included in any other calculations in the report. 


    Then listing (as we presently have available) Directors Expenses with sub-total, Total Non-Direct Expenses before finally Net Profit/(Loss)


    Thinking about adding a new series of Account codes for EBIT to get the sub-total of Non-Direct Board Level Expenses etc but major problem to pick up the Total Expenses number to include in the EBIT sub-total.


    It appears to require a new report format to achieve this. Not having the option to create this report is limiting. Requires regular exports to Excel and manual calculations of same. Both time-consuming and open to manual entry errors.