FandS's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Email: Ability to generate mail merged emails

We'd like to set up a reminder letter for overdue accounts, but would prefer to 'mail merge' within an email (as opposed to a word attachment).


Is it possible? We are on Accountright 2013 Live Accounts.



'Mail Merge for emails"


  • Hi RBC


    Thank you for your feedback in regards to AccountRight and creating personalised letters.

    I have merged your idea with this one already included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange.

  • RBC's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Can MYOB not add e-merge to their list like mailmerge?

    If you have a letter to send to suppliers you have to go in indivudually

    and attach the letter to outlook and then type in the email address.

    It would save time to have e-merge.

    With offices going paperless it sure would help.

    Less fuss.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thanks for your excellent suggestion. I can certainly see how the 'create personalised letters' function would be much more useful if the letters created could be emails. Could anyone who would like to see this feature in future updates, please cast there votes here.

  • Hi,


    Would it be possible to have the option to email the many helpful "Letter" templates?

  • RKEC's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    Hi FandS (sorry, I could not find your first name),


    If you ever need more functionlaity that the basic reminder letters in MYOB, I would suggest you check out the MYOB Addon - ezyCollect

    Just as a heads up, we help business to better manage the receivables process. Let’s face it, reminding your customers about those unpaid invoices is a pretty onerous task. Think of the time spent on phone calls, emails, sending statements etc - costing you thousands of dollars each month.

    There has to be an easier way right? Well now there is, and it’s called ezyCollect


    ezyCollect helps you get paid faster by connecting to your MYOB account and finding all your outstanding accounts receivable invoices. Within a few quick steps you’ll have a customised template that can be automatically emailed to clients who have not paid by the due date – just the thing to keep cash flowing into your coffers.


    You can set reminders to go out just before the due date, right after and at intervals right up to the dreaded “Final Demand”. Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that though!


    Sounds great so far, but what about those customers you need to keep sweet no matter what? ezyCollect has thought of that: you can prevent reminders being sent to particular contacts or for certain invoices.


    Watch this video to see how ezyCollect integrates with MYOB - and if you have the time check out this Case Study that show you how one of our customers improved cash-flow by 50% in just the first 60 days of using ezyCollect.


    Thanks  - and if you have any questions or need to talk - please buzz AJ on 0431 249 330

  • ANother handy thing to have would be to e-mail all customers that have gone over account terms, similar to the mail merge but in an e-mail form.


    We are trying to phase out posting of letters that takes time to get to customers and move to e-mails which are instant.


    Please let m eknow if this is going to be in future releases.


    • JacquieI's avatar
      Cover User

      Great idea, would love this as well. I understand some other accounting software companies offer this, would be amazing if MYOB would do the same. :)

    • RKEC's avatar
      Experienced Partner

      Hi fridge-seal,


      Check out ezyCollect - an MYOB Add-on ( that will let you do exactly what you need - i.e. send out reminder EMAILS on pre-defined schedule based on overdue accounts.


      ezyCollect lets you setup an automatic reminder plan that includeds:


      1) Emails

      2) SMS

      3) Letters - automatically posting via AUS Post

      4) Fax

      5) Print


      If you need to speak to someone, call AJ on 0431 249 330.

    • fridge-seal's avatar
      Cover User

      It is the e-mail functionality we were looking for, I can do the mailing letters but we do not wat to waste resources printing, stuffing envelopes and posting.
