juliatan's avatar
Cover User
8 years ago

Forms: Statements - Statement Ref- always set an invoice number

It would be more useful to have the invoice number in the Statement Ref field displayed at the bottom right of the Customer Activity Statement. I request our customers to quote this "statement ref" when sending a bank payment.


Currently the Statement Ref field pickup the first transaction line in the Ref No. column of the Statement.  The first line could be either

(1) the ID No. CRxxxxx that is auto generated when posting a payment for the month, or

(2) the invoice number if it was the first activity of the month  


If we have customers making instalment payments, then the reference will change to the CRxxxx.  There will be multiple CRxxxx if there are multiple payments in a month. This ID ref would not make any sense to the customers as it is an accounting ref.  An invoice number reference would make sense to the customers.


Please make modification to your program asap.  Thank you.


 "Invoice number on Customer Activity Statement"


  • All that you need to do is to customise your Customer Activity Statement form/s to pick up the invoice number as the reference, place/locate/insert the reference field where you wish it to be on your Statement form (bottom right corner) and everything will display just as you wish it to.