CedarWest's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Forms: Statements - Terms field

If customers were reminded of their trading terms, it would perhaps reduce the number of overdue accounts.


Can Trading Terms be an available field to add to customer statements?


Thank You


"Customer Terms on Statements"


  • Status changed:
    Thank you for the suggestion. Be sure to vote for this idea if you are interested in this feature.
  • Thanks for the help... While your solution would work (and I have used this method for other data insertions), it seems more of a workaround than opposed to an actual solution. Is it really difficult to enable the Trading terms field to be inserted directly?

  • Sally-ann's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    Cedar West


    there are a couple of methods of dealing with this.


    1. If all your customers are on the same terms simply add a text field to the statement using the cusomise feature.


    2. If they are on varying terms then you can make use of other fields in the card file that can be added to the statement Customer abn branch. Essentially by using a combination of Text fields such as

    "YOUR TRADING TERMS ARE " then a data field such as the abn branch you can achieve this on the statement.


    You can export out the customer cards and import them back in with the terms copied into the field of choice. ( a Certified consultant can help with this) if you attempt yourself make sure you back up first before importing.

