kd_777's avatar
6 months ago

Gmail verification to forwrard invoices to In Tray

Please fix the issue where gmail verification email to the MYOB in tray mailbox is not received and cannot be verified.


The ability to filter invoices and forward directly to MYOB In Tray automatically will streamline the account process dramatically.


A  simple change for MYOB to auto click on the verification link or allow user to click on it from the In Tray.


  • Frankly this is ridiculous that MYOB won't allow a business to automatically forward the invoices they've received to their own MYOB inbox.  I am allowed to forward the email if I manually click on the email and forward it to the inbox, so why can I not autmate that process using a filter in my Google workspace email settings????  It flies in the face of claims that MYOB makes things run smoother.  The ability to forward the emails is there, it's the simple fact that the MYOB software won't return an email to provide a verification code.  THERE'S INSTRUCTIONS ON THE MYOB WEBSITE TO DO THIS!!! https://www.myob.com/au/support/myob-business/purchases/working-with-in-tray-documents/emailing-documents-to-your-in-tray?productview=Browser

    IT JUST DOES NOT WORK FOR THOSE THAT ARE USING WORKSPACE, NOT GMAIL WEB APP (presumably, since it's referring to Gmail only in this help article).  

    Why can this not be reinstated?? (We used to be able to auto forward our invoices through our email)

  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi @kd_777


    Thanks for your post, and welcome to the Community Forum. I hope you find plenty of helpful information.


    My apologies for the late response. We understand how important this feature is to your business, and we regret to inform you that the feature to set up forwarding email addresses to InTray is currently not available. This is in line with MYOB's default policy, which doesn't allow automatic forwarding of MYOB emails to external recipients to avoid potential data leaks.


    We understand that this might not be the solution you were hoping for, but we encourage you to share your ideas and feedback on the AccountRight Ideas Exchange board for consideration. Your input is greatly appreciated and can help shape future updates and improvements.


    If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to post again. We are always delighted to assist you.


    If my response has answered your inquiry, please click "Accept as Solution" to help other users find this.



    Kind regards,
