CloudMindAcc's avatar
Ultimate Partner
10 years ago

In Tray: Option to toggle between Enlarged Invoice and Purchase

I have been testing out how this IN TRAY works over the last month and below is another suggestion to make this feature more user friendly and quicker.


Can we have the option to toggle between Enlarged Invoice and Purchase Screen.   Currently if MYOB does not match all the details from the invoice we have to click on the invoice to enlarge to view the missing details but you have to close the enlarged invoice to go back to the purchases.  I find this time consuming and annoying with all the click clicks trying to process one invoice.   


Currently if you have the enlarged invoice open and the purchase open and press ALT Tab to toggle between the two screens it doesn't work.  Suggestion:   Option to toggle between Enlarged Invoice and Purchase Screen


Also if you minimise the enlarged invoice it seems to disappear as well.


"IN TRAY - Option to toggle between Enlarged Invoice and Purchase"


  • Haydes's avatar
    MYOB Product Team
    Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi All,


    Work on the ability to Easily Toggle the View between your Enter Purchases Screen and an Open Document window has begun for a release in the new year (H1 2020). We'll be hard at work to deliver this release and once there's another update to this we'll be back to update the status.


    There will also be an announcement on the AccountRight Blog once the new release including this feature drops, feel free to Subscribe to this Idea to be notified or keep your eyes peeled on the Blog to see the announcement.






    CloudMindAcc Owtcha Karinski 

  • CloudMindAcc's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Awesome thanks for the update Haydes  :smileyvery-happy:

    CloudMindAcc wrote:

    I have been testing out how this IN TRAY works over the last month and below is another suggestion to make this feature more user friendly and quicker.


    Can we have the option to toggle between Enlarged Invoice and Purchase Screen.   Currently if MYOB does not match all the details from the invoice we have to click on the invoice to enlarge to view the missing details but you have to close the enlarged invoice to go back to the purchases.  I find this time consuming and annoying with all the click clicks trying to process one invoice.   


    Currently if you have the enlarged invoice open and the purchase open and press ALT Tab to toggle between the two screens it doesn't work.  Suggestion:   Option to toggle between Enlarged Invoice and Purchase Screen


    Also if you minimise the enlarged invoice it seems to disappear as well.


    "IN TRAY - Option to toggle between Enlarged Invoice and Purchase"


  • Haydes's avatar
    MYOB Product Team
    Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi All,


    Included in this release is the ability to launch the attached PDF in your computer's default PDF Reader. This way allows you to move your PDF Views away from the AccountRight screen to more easily view the data from the PDF and the Data Entry screen and switch between windows using the "Alt + Tab" Keyboard Combination.


    As a bonus: The old AccountRight Reader was unable to read specific information on newer age PDF's this will provide the ability to view all PDF's in your usual PDF Reading Tool that is constantly up to date.


    If your PDF's are launching in something else and not your preferred reader, you can simply change the default reader in your Windows Default Apps section. See here for steps on how to do this: How to Change Default PDF Viewer in Windows 10


    You can read more about 2020.1's features on this Release Post: AccountRight 2020.1 is now available