Claro's avatar
Experienced User
5 years ago

Inventory: Items List - Include Committed and On order columns

Inventory list should have not only SOH but also columns for committed and quantity on order. This would be super helpful instead of having to drill into each item.

Also when entering orders it should show available stock so you know when you have run out of stock.




  • DazzaB's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    WE have been trying for at least 20 years to get them to add the ability for Us the users to add or modify columns to the Purchasing or Sales screen and so far it has been beyond their ability to

    1 understand the need for it to be done AS SOON AS POSSIBLE as it has been requested many hundreds or even thousands of times in different ways 

    2> Or they dont have the ability to do it 


    So best of luck 

    I really hope they listen to you as they have been totally ignoring the rest of us for a very long time



  • Would significantly reduce the instances of our business putting in multiple orders for the same items of stock. Drilling down to check for committed in each item in large orders is not practical. At the moment we are having to put everything directly to invoice (which causes all sorts of other issues in tracking orders) to stop the same stock being sold in multiple orders.

  • JoelNZ's avatar
    Trusted User

    This is basic info missing from MYOB. A real downside to this software that needs to be rectified.

  • JoelNZ's avatar
    Trusted User

    Yeah this is really needed, even reckon has this.


    Claro wrote:

    Inventory list should have not only SOH but also columns for committed and quantity on order. This would be super helpful instead of having to drill into each item.

    Also when entering orders it should show available stock so you know when you have run out of stock.



    This works really well for us, thank you! Thanks for the update and quick reply OneVanilla Card

  • ProjectBNE's avatar
    Contributing User



    We also presell a lot of stock before it arrives, so would be great if we could run a report comparing 'On Order' vs 'Committed' to see if anything is out of balance.  Currently having to click on (and waaaaaaiiitttt for) each item on a PO.

  • Claro's avatar
    Experienced User

    Can you please add orders, committed and available on the items list alongside the item number, name, on hand sell price etc. That would make such a huge difference when you are looking for what is available at a glance and what is on order without having to drill down to a particular style. 

  • Claro's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi there,


    At present when we go to to the Items list you get to see all the items with stock on hand etc etc. It would be great that we could also see On order and Committed stock too. If we are looking at a couple of items we have to go to each item and drill down to get that information which is quite time consuming specially when you have lot of items and want to get that information for a variety of products. 

  • Claro's avatar
    Experienced User

    It would be great if there were a couple of columns on the items list showing On order and Committed so you did not have to drill down to each style to check availability