Shaziz's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Inventory: Update price on item to automatically update each outstanding order

There is no such thing as a paperless office in MYOB if you want to avoid sending incorrect invoices.


Customer ordered a product not priced since 2011 and was told verbally the price would be increasing but not by how much. Had to request a depostit so when entering order into MYOB I changed the price  by $10 on the fly and pressed ok. Then added a line for the deposit and  zero items sent creating a 260 item backorder. 


Myob of course emails immediately, unfortunately there is no preview before sending so off it went. 


What I didn't notice until it came time later to invoice for part of the product was that the old price was still on the line item, so I check the PDF of the invoice that was sent, and sure enough it had produced a backorder line with the old price.


Now I have to go to my customer cap in hand and explain the problem. If my customer dosn't want to play ball I have just lost us $2600 on the sale.


Why is that if I am increasing the master price on an item as I enter a sale, MYOB does not automatially update that line item immediately on the current order or at least ask if it should. Pretty expensive mistake when you are in a hurry. If I could afford to change the software I would, stupid errors like this make that impossible.


The GST tick box on quotes also nearly caused me a huge problem. Normally entered with them off, I did one recently with the tick on, noticing it ticked off before sending. Confused my poor customer by sending the **bleep** thing 3 times before I got the pricing right. If MYOB had warned me when I removed the tick that I was effectivly changing the pricing on the line item, do I want to continue, or given me a preview when quoting I would have noticed immediately that it was not correct. 


I've been using this software for over 15 years, so I should know better, but when I'm real busy, I shouldn't have to keep checking my software is doing what it should. It is supposed to be smarter than me.


"Sale Item Price updating not immediate"


  • Shaziz's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    My suggestion would be to have an option to view the PDF with the default viewer before sending quotes or individual invoices.

  • TonyLane's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi Shaziz

    Shaziz wrote:

    My suggestion would be to have an option to view the PDF with the default viewer before sending quotes or individual invoices.

    An option to preview has to the best of my knowledge, been always available as per the illustration below:-

    AR Sales - New Item - Preview.jpg

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    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had no support from the community since it was submitted, so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages