MMPC's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Jobs: Monthly budget entry

Hi MYOB Development Team,


For future builds can you add Monthly Budgets for Jobs please.


I love MYOB software however one frustrating point I find with MYOB, is that you cannot set monthly Job budgets.


When running an organisation with multiple departments and Department Managers an Executive Officer needs to be able to see how each department is doing in comparisson to their budgets. 

MYOB will allow an annual budget to be set for Jobs which is great however, by setting budgets monthly you will be able to better meet your annual goals because you will better track your monthly figures. 

In doing so, you can make adjustments each following month to ensure you hit your annual goals.


It would also be very handy, to be able to break this down to Actuals v Budgets on several scales, EG Weekly, Monthly, Bi Monthly, Quarterly, Bi Anually etc....



Thank you

Ray Austin

"Addition of Monthly Budgets for Jobs"


  • I use the Jobs (Budget Analysis) Report several times per month for 17 different budgets and its frustrating that a budget report does not allow for a date range.


    To be able to view a Job Budget on a quarterly basis or on the 5th day of the new month to be able to run a report from the 1st to the 31st of the previous month.


    As a budget basis report I can't understand why it doesn't have more flexibility.


    In addition why do we have to manually update the percentages, shouldn't this be automatically calculated especially if you have a date range.

    • jenniek's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi there,

      I would like to see the date range - but definately DO NOT want to lose the ability to report over the life of the job - this is critical for builders, non profit's etc where a project runs over the financial year.

    • DeanJacksion's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi CapFootball,

      I totaly agree with you.

      I'm currently wasting so much time doing this manualy.

      I think we will be moving away from MYOB soon for this reason.

    • Jeff_AccAddons's avatar
      Valued Partner

      Hi CapFootball,


      There is also a Free MYOB Add-on solution that has an MYOB Job Budget Analysis Report with a date range. It allows you to capture budget data by Job, Year and Month and then pulls actual job data in from MYOB either via the ODBC Driver (AccountRight Classic) or the API (AccountRight Live) allowing you to compare Actual vs Budget for a selected Month and Year To Date. It also allow you to filter by Job Header. The solution is call BudgetLink. You can download it here


      To find out more visit


      Jeff Stephenson

      Managing Director & Solution Architect

      Accounting Addons

      1300 ADDONS (1300 233 667)