If I have created a purchase order for several products and receive a part shipment with some items on back order, I want to both receive the goods in, and then bill them, so that I create a purchase that matches the invoice I have received, and also leaves the unreceived goods on backorder still open.
At the moment if a partial order is received, I can only receive the goods in, but not do an invoice until all goods are in as it receives all items at once if I change it to a bill. This is not suitable as I need to be able to track each invoice that the supplier has sent me as they will send invoices for the partial shipments, not one at the end.
At the moment I have to set up a new purchase order for the partial delivery. Then do another one when the balance is received, and then delete the original purchase order. This is a lot of work when it would be great to automatically be able to receive and bill part shipments. Thank you