BCharlesworth's avatar
4 months ago

Multiple part numbers converting into one

I was sent here by a community member after asking a question on the community fourms.


My idea, and I think this would be awesome, is if you can enter one part number and have it convert to another when entering jobs. This may sound confusing - let me explain.


In my business, we have different part numbers to our competitors, to their competitors etc. When we get in new customers, a lot of the time they send their purchase orders in their old suppliers part numbers, and I have to waste time converting into our part numbers.


I would love if we could enter our part number, say Xy, into a purchase order and have it print as Xy on the job, as well as entering a competitors part number, Ab, and have it print as Xy on the job. The automatic conversion from Ab to Xy would be awesome. 


We range 7000+ line items, and with each of them being different to a competitors, I think it would be good to be able to enter the conversion once and save it in a sub category under the original part, to save us those hours of having to work out what is what.



1 Comment

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi BCharlesworth,

    Thank you for your valuable suggestion. We appreciate your input and hope that many of our users will also support this suggestion. This will greatly influence our developers' decisions regarding inclusion in future updates. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out again if you have any further queries. We are here to assist you and are happy to help in any way we can.

