jenni's avatar
Experienced Cover User
12 years ago

Prepare Electronic Payments: BPay payments

I currently use an ABA File to make multiple EFT payments and would love to be able to do the same with BPAY payments.  Would it be possible to add this as an option when setting up a Supplier's Payment details?  I have to enter each BPAY payment into the cheque account, then log onto the bank and enter each BPAY individually...very time consuming!  Thanks, Jenni


"Multiple BPAY Payments using an ABA File"


  • litoria's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Obviously not - as this was first suggested 12 years ago. MYOB is very good at raising their subscription fees in return for very little in the way of making users' lives more time efficient. Not only is this Bpay issue annoying - how about the fact that we can get all other suppliers' invoices dropped into our In Tray, but not MYOB's...! MYOB needs to practise what it preaches. 

  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Dundrum and litoria


    Thank you for your post and welcome to Community Forum. I hope you find this plenty of helpful information.


    Thank you for your understanding and patience. We acknowledge your suggestions and want to assure you that they have been noted and forwarded to our development team. We regret to inform you that we do not have any updates or search results regarding the implementation of this feature at the moment.

    We understand how important this feature is to you and we are doing our best to address it. 


    We will keep you updated as soon as we have any information. In the meantime, if you have any other concerns or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out. We're here to help.



    Kind regards,


  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    Hi AlanT, if you're still around...


    You said back in 2020: 
    "In the recent versions of the software there is now a provision to make payments directly from within the software to Bpay accounts.  Please note that there are fees and charges associated with this facility."


    Could you please tell me where to find this, or which version of the software has it? Depending on how exhorbitant the fees and charges are, I'd consider it but haven't been able to find any information.

    All I can find from MYOB is this:

    How do I pay a supplier via Bpay?
    Your supplier will provide their Bpay payment details and you can pay them via your internet banking site. Check the help in your internet banking for more details on Bpay payments.

    In AccountRight you simply record the bill payment as described above (select the Pay from Account option and enter an account in the adjacent field.).

    How you pay the bill (cash, cheque, credit card, Bpay, etc.) doesn't change how the payment is recorded in AccountRight.


  • AlanT's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi H-TS 


    Sorry, there is a bit of a misundestanding here.


    The reference I made to paying by BPay is for your customers to pay you via Bpay.


    The format of the ABA (Australian Banking Association) is defined by the Australian banks, so your question about when you will be able to pay your suppliers via and ABA file using BPay references needs to be directed to the ABA, not MYOB.


    Most banks I work with will allow you to upload a bulk payment file to their web site, but there does not appear to be and standard file format for this and each bank has their own file definition.


    Don't hold your breath waiting for or complaining to MYOB because until the banks redifine their ABA file format, I don't see this happening.


    Hope this helps clarify things.




  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    Thanks for the quick reply AlanT 


    A few of the major banks are now accepting batch bpay payment (.bpb files). So this would be a separate file from the .aba but still quicker than the current manual process. The APIs are available, ready for software providers to implement, if they want to. 

    ("This API currently generates batch files in CBA, NAB, Westpac, Macquarie, Bankwest and Bendigo Bank formats.")


    Instead of holding my breath, I am adding it to the list of features we're looking for in our replacement accounting software.


    Thanks for clarifying my misunderstanding.