Mauraid's avatar
Contributing Partner
11 years ago

Report: Aged Receivables [Summary] - Drill down to see individual balances

It would be good to have the same ability as you had in the older version of MYOB to drill down in the aged receivables or payables on individual customers to see the invoices that make up the outstanding balance.


"Aged receivables & payables"


  • Status changed:
    Thanks we understand that this was a useful feature and we do intend to bring it back at some stage in the future. In the meantime you can get the same information from the receivable & payable reports.
  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    No quite the same Dan - what you are asking is for us to preview/print a whole detail report when we really only want to query 1 clients amount - the time taken to produce the report is a dis-incentive in itself - the summary report takes long enough - then when you want to query one amount owing, you then have to produce another report - not good timewise - the drill down to that client doesn't give the correct information - whereas 19.5 did do this.

  • Colleen's avatar
    Valued Partner

    This one ties in with the card suggestion as well, where it would be good to look at only the one customer, or to drill down to the customer on the receivables report that comes up.  

  • lyndor1's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Asked for this back in Nov 2012. Was told then to use the receivables and payables reports.  Not really the same, just another need of clicking endless buttons to get to where you used to get to with just 1 click.

  • It's crazy features like this are removed by some boffin to make a better 'user experience'...


    Likewise, the 'visually pleasing?' graph on the top of the page that has the rollover to see the amount owing each month should ACTUALLY SHOW them amount without the need to roll over the ageing period.


    A simple tick box to switch between the two would be good.  You lose alot of screen space taken up by a stupid graph.



    David Chillari

    Apollo Hi FI & Video Centre

  • I miss the ease of the older version too. Very frustrating when you're in a hurry. Too hard to find what's owing by one customer and to be able to look at the actual invoice.


    I don't like the graph either. Takes up too much room on the screen.


    Please hurry bringing back this feature :)




  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone 


    With the release of AccountRight 2014.1, selecting the Total Due value in the Aged Receivables [Summary] & Aged Payables [Summary] reports will generate the Outstanding Invoice Analysis window for the individual customer. From within here, you can see what individual invoices amounts are making up each balance.