jobs's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Report: Job Profit & Loss Statement - Multi Period

Can you please add a Multi period profit and loss sheet in the reports as this would make it easier to filter the jobs that you are after for the profit and loss in that period. There is one i know under profit and loss mutli period but it gives you all the jobs together, It would be a great idea if we had one to seperate the jobs.


"Multi Period Profit and Loss report for Jobs"


  • ROG's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi MYOB


    I'm piggy-backing off Dockvests comment above because I too would like to know - are we any closer to this?


    It was incredible frustrating to have an update released a few months ago with nothing I found helpful at all but all these other truly valuable changes have just been ignored!

  • Did this ever eventuate from under consideration?

  • Its frustrating to see that this is not resolved. Property developments and other projects take place across multiple financial years, and reports should be able to be generated for any dates required. QBO manages this. It creates an enormous amount of work to export and collate data to come up with total spend over a long period.

  • I would like to be able to run a Profit and Loss Report for all Jobs invoiced in a particular month, but show all transactions allocated to that job (that may span over a few months). 

    I'm struggling to figure out how to do this, or even filter by invoice number or invoice date to narrow this down. 

  • Hi - is there any update to this suggestion and a timeframe for implementation?  We're years on from the original suggestion and it would be good to see MYOB implementing some flexibility to it's reporting capabilities.

  • We absolutely require the Job Profit & Loss Statement mutli period, I currently export each month to excel inserting column, to extract Job Name, to create reports by departments, to do Pivot charts for management as they like these better than the raw data report that I enjoy. But it can be quiet time consuming with interuptions and other tasks that are required. Please simplify by adding this report or a fuction in the current Profit & Loss [Multi-Period] report where we could filter by job's, would be greatly apperciated by all, I am sure.

  • Why does MYOB still not have this?  Xero has an excellent version of this!

  • Still waiting MYOB.  At this stage recommending to all clients who need this to use Xero.