Julie_B's avatar
Trusted User
12 years ago

Report: Journal Security Audit - Account Name

Hi there - In the Security & Audit Report / Journal Security Audit  - would it be possible to have the GL Account Name next to the Account Number - as in the old V19.  A lot of my clients find this handy to quickly go through their data entry at the end of a session/day and double check their coding.  With just the GL codes (numbers) showing (under the heading "Account"), it's too hard to quickly audit.  Thanks.


"AccountRight Standard 2012.9 - Session Reports"


  • livlee's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Could the creditors invoice number on the session report, and the account names be listed also (they where displayed in previous versions)



    • Dale's avatar
      MYOB Staff
      Status changed:
      I think this is a good suggestion and would make things easier to audit for many users. We will consider this for a future release. I encourage anyone else that would like this feature to please vote as it will help us prioritise.
    • ASWatCR's avatar

      Please implement these session report improvements. I have voted.

  • Status changed:
    This is great idea, I agree many people would not recognise the Account Number especially if they have the preference turned on to use Account Name instead of number, it would be really helpful to at least have the option of including the Account Name also. I have added this to list for consideration in a future release. Thanks for your input.
  • Can MYOB please put this on implementation list ASAP?  I've only just changed from different version of MYOB to Accountright, and notice that this request was first posted in 2012!  This option has been available on MYOB Premier for many years, it seems that the design/programming of Accountright has not properly taken into account this aspect for functionality for users.   Thank you.

  • This is one of the most important reports for auditing.  I have a client who is ready to leave MYOB because this has gone.  It is also really good for staff training but not useful without the account name.   Please fix this one.

  • The session report needs one more field added - The description/Name of the account that is against the account numbers allocated to.  This is so important for audit purposes.  Please can you get this one added.  Thank you Susan