Matthew_W's avatar
MYOB Staff
9 years ago

Report: Payroll Journal - Hours column

In the Payroll Journal Report the Hours Column, available in AccountRight v19 has been removed and cannot be added using the Show/Hide screen. This Column should be added back into the report to allow the same reporting options as the previous versions.

"Payroll Journal Report"


  • Is it possible to add HOURS WORKED back to the payroll journal report ? I use this report alot to show hours worked weekly. Ive looked at other reports but there is too much information on them and you can customise. 



  • dfoozle's avatar
    Contributing User

    Lack of this has completely destroyed my reporting to client Head Office procedure. Worse still is there is no replacement I can Report I can rework in Excel to give the details Head Office wants.

  • HarryF7's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    We recently upgraded from v19 to 2018 and noticed the payroll journal no longer shows hours worked and accruals, which was very useful on v19 to check payslips and make sure all information was correct. It was also a good record of pays processed each pay run. While there are other reports to check this, it is less accurate for cross-checking purposes and more time consuming. While these are not strictly journal information so may not be appropriate for the payroll journal, it would be good to have at least one report that has the hours, accruals, amounts and coding all on the one page.

  • dfoozle's avatar
    Contributing User

    I used the old Payroll Journal report (with Job and Sub-Job Of) for four different reports (including payroll tax) with excel spreadsheets. The new Payroll Journal report breaks all of them because it does not report Hours or show Account Category names instead of uselessly repeating Wages and Salaries. When I can get Account Categories and Hours (in Payroll Activity [Detail]) I can't get Job and Sub Job Of. The closest I can get for a multi-use report is Payroll category Transcations [Accrual] - but it also doesn't give me Hours. I am not happy that a report of the same name does not give me the same data as the old report did.

  • bendigotrust's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I report number of hours and dollars by job by person.


    Currently I am unable to run a report that gives me Hours, dollars and job number by employee. I can see that a payroll category transactions report gives me everything but hours.


    A job detail report also gives me everything but hours.


    So currently I have to run these reports and drill down on each individual transactions to get the number of hours.


    Needless to say this is VERY frustrating. Being that I can get the employee's address and tax file number on each line but not the number of hours which woudl be on the same table of information as the employee name, job number and dollar amount. Why can I not have the option to add an hours column????


    Can you help?

    • wisepossum's avatar
      Cover User

      oh ....darn it!   :-).

      Sounds like a pity that your external based timesheets don't link into MYOB.


      Sorry, hopefully someone else will have a solution for you.


      Good luck

    • bendigotrust's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi wise possum.


      Thanks for your suggestion, unfortunatley we don't use the timesheet/activity slip feature. We have external based timesheets at this stage. So while we enter hours per job in our payroll the reports in the time billing module don't run at all for us.


      Thanks again for your suggestion, I appreciate your help



    • wisepossum's avatar
      Cover User


      I solved the Hrs problem as follows

      Go to Reports - Time Billing - Job Summary (or detail) - ~ filter report with date criteria and job no/s

      select Advanced Filters and then Run Report.

      You can now - click on Insert/modify then select Show/Hide icon to select or deselect the columns you want on your report - for me it's Hrs and job no and if detail, payroll category.

      Click Print preview to ensure it has everything you want.

      You can now save this report formatted the way you like it by clicking on the drop down arrow on the left and save as.

      The report will save in Custom Reports for you. Do this for any report you want specific to your circumstances.

      Hope this I found if I didn't click print preview first it would print the old version, regardless of what I saw on my screen.


  • Capture.JPG

    This is the new version that I print out shown above.


    This is the old version that I could print and tick off that I have entered the hours correctly.  I is just a more compact report than the Payroll Advice for filing.