sasu2002's avatar
Contributing Cover User
11 years ago

Report: Profit & Loss [Last Year Analysis] - Include budget values

It would be good to have a report that combines these 2 P&L reports. P&L (Last Year Analysis) and P&L (Budget Analysis). Each time the Board meets, I have to produce these 2 reports, send them to excel then combine them into one report. Please get myob to do this for me...I can't be the only person that would find this useful.


"Reports needed'


  • Hi Sasu2002,


    If interested, check out both the BudgetLink Free Edition and the ExcelReportLink GL Pivot Solution. There two apps we created to solve all kinds of reporting problems and I believe they should help.


    Best of all, they are free to use.


    You can find out more on the following links.




    While i understand an integrated report  in MYOB would be handy, you may be waiting a long time.


    If you are wondering why they are free, we are predominantly a consulting company which assist people with MYOB. If the software works out of the box for you, there is no cost.





  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status added:

    Thank you for your post, sasu2002. We understand it would be great to be able to combine the P&L analysis reports. Until this is available in AccountRight you may consider Nic's suggestion of using an add on solution to achieve this.

    We request others who would like such combined reports to please vote and comment. 

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    The Profit & loss report available in the AccountRight browser interface allows the user to compare that report to their budgets entered through that interface. This report also allows you to add in last year's values.