ASWatCR's avatar
12 years ago

Reports: Change of bank account detials

The audit trail DOES NOT show when bank account details have been changed (ie for suppliers/employees). 

It reports if the address/phone etc has been changed but not the bank account details. 


This is Fraud 101 - is this going to be fixed?


If I have misunderstood, please let me know, but a MYOB representative did confirm this for me.


"Audit trail does not show change in bank account details'


  • I do not rely on MYOB for records with reference to change of Bank Account/Contact details for Suppliers/Customers/Employees.

    Our process is: 

    1. PDF copy of request for change of details is saved on our hard drive under (customer/Supplier/Employee) Name

    2. Call Company/Employee using phone number already on file (do not use any contact details from the requesting information received)

            request confirmation of their BSB and Account Number (for Companies: if possible get a copy of their company deposit slip)

            record the information received and who spoken to on the PDF saved at 1.

    3.  Update MYOB

    4.  Make a contact log entry indicating the change from and to.

    5.  Create a Zero Spend Money or Receive Money (ID is DCyyddmm means Detail Change 230814) for the entity for zero dollars usins same details as contact log. (This entry is visible on the security audit reports.

    6.  If change of Bank details - copy the email from MYOB when received to the PDF saved at 1. 

    In our systems the addition or change to Cards is restricted and when a new card (Customer/Supplier or Employee) is created a copy of the information received to create the card is kept as an attachment to the card.

    This procedure was implemented using information received from our Cyber Insurance provider.