HarryL's avatar
Experienced Partner
11 years ago

Reports: Include account number tickbox on report filter page

The new release of AccountRight Live 2013.4 is great.  However, although the Export to Excel option is now available, it only runs and exports without the account numbers.  The workaround is to display the report first and then hide or unhide the account number before exporting to Excel.


Wouldn't it be nice to have a tick-box on the front filter page to include or exclude account numbers for reports like the balance sheet or profit and loss? And perhaps another tick-box to include or exclude accounts with zero balances.


Harry Linden

Lakesview Consulting Pty Ltd


"Include account number tickbox on report filter page"


  • HarryL's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    I must say that I am overwhelmed by the numerous comments on this topic since I initally posted it back in 2013. All very good and relevant comments. It shows that we are all on the same page.

    The idea has been given the status of "Under Consideration" quite some time ago. Yet there has been no progress on this fundamental requirement for reporting.

    I am hoping that MYOB will seriously take this on board in the next release.

    Harry Linden

    Lakesview Accounting Solutions

  • 6203's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Here is an example of the unnecessary complications in running a MYOB Report:


    Whenever I run a Trial Balance, I like to have the account numbers on the report.  This can be done, but it is long winded.  You have to run the report, then click on Insert/Modify, then click on Show Hide, then click on Show All, then click on OK (at this pint it shows the account numbers on the sreen display but if you hit Print, they do not print on the report), then click Print Preview (then it will print with the account numbers).  Too many steps!


    The only alternative to the above that I am aware of, is to create a custom report that includes the account numbers.  Generating this report requires less steps, but you have to generate the report (or click on the Advanced Filters button) before you can choose the date that you want it for.


    I think for all reports, you need to have more report/filter options on the front screen of the report generation area.  There is room on the screen, so use it.  Why not not save us 'clicks' and time by putting all of the filtering options on the front screen?

