kindy3's avatar
Experienced Cover User
12 years ago

Reports: Print batches of reports

AR2013 doesn't appear to have the ability to save a batch of reports which are rerquired to be pirnted on a regular basis.  AR V19 did.

I have around 15 reports that I need to print at the end of each month. I had that set up as a Batch of Reports. Push a button and it was done.

You can't do this with AR2013.  Would be good to see this facility returned.


"Report batches"


  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi H-TS 


    Thank you for your post. We understand your frustration about this. If you are using AccountRight, we have a way of exporting those reports to excel where you can export reports in various file formats so that you’ll be able to be viewed and change it in other programs, as well as customizing them where you can easily change the look and content of an existing reports. 


    You may also have a look on this Help Article: Customizing Reports  and Exporting Reports that has detailed information and instructions to assist with this.



    If you need further help with this don't hesitate to start a new post or reply to this post and we'll be happy to assist.





  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User


    Thanks for the response. I do customise and export a lot of reports (pretty much every report). My point was that you don't appear to be able to customise the reports included in the batch (original post) which renders this feature significantly less useful than it first sounds. Or can you add pre-customised and saved reports to the batches? I would still want to export them to excel anyway for further manipulation.

  • Sean_DC's avatar
    MYOB Moderator
    Status changed:

    The AccountRight browser interface allows users to produce reports in Report Packs.