oyster's avatar
Trusted Cover User
12 years ago

Sales: Email Packing Slip

Hi. We try and minimise the amout of paper we use in the office. It would be really great if I can email packing slips to the guys in the warehouse rather than just being able to print them. I am currently printing them to a PDF writer and then manually attaching them to an email. A one step process in AccountRight Plus 2012.9 would make things so much easier.


Thanks, Jo


"Ability to Email Packing Slip"


  • ActionCranes's avatar
    Experienced Cover User



    This has been underconsideration for a while now. Will you actually be implementing this?

  • Hi GWines, its great to see that you'd like to see this added too. I'd really suggest voting, at the top of this page, to show your support so that the Developers can push this further up the list of enhancements.

  • GWines's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I agree, we have had a request from our warehouse to do the same, email invoice and packing slip instead of printing or faxing to them.

  • Status changed:
    Thanks for your suggestion, Jo. We would certainly be happy to consider adding this into a future version, although it wouldn't be something we could add into older versions as it would be part of an update. Anyone else that would like to see this added please remember to vote to show your support.
  • I agree, I would also love this capability but we are using Account Right Premier.