Zoranf's avatar
Cover User
8 years ago

Sales Register: Add additional columns

Hi guys, I have been on the forum and noticed my idea was first presnted in 2013 by another user and repeated nearly 20 times.

I struggle to understand why you cannot add/modify the fields in the Sales Registry Window.

Account Right is designed for variances in business workings and cannot always rely on a set window for staff to work around. Our business requires (as do others it seems) to be able to (at a glance) pull up invoices based on other criterias in the fields.

We have a requirement to add a field (or can modify an existing field) to enter a customer number as this is the only way we can identify the order, otehrwise it adds 3 minutes to the query. We have found a work around by placing this number into the purchase order number field and modified the tax invoice and delivery dockets to reflect this, but not a good way to do this.

Could you please review this idea and give some importance to this request as it has been around for over 4 years and others have had to find a work around.



 "Sales Register Window Customising"

  • Hi there, I am reposting this idea again as I cannot believe that the rest of the community would not find this of immense value and cannot believe it would be difficult to implement.


    The All Sales - Sales Register Infomation window should be customisable to allow users to add/modify the fields displayed, for example include a column showing say Journal memo, Referral Source etc.


    This would make the window so powerful in information that the user would not have to drill down into the sale to get information whilst you have customers holding on the phone.


    Please consider this idea as it is a simple idea with powerful outcomes.

    • Jennifer_Kelly's avatar
      Super Partner

      Hi Zoranf


      Yes these days it is very useful to be able to look at your sales not just by Invoice and customer but by other factors like Referal source, or the Type of Customer etc. using the Customer  Some of this will be available by running Sales reports in MYOB ( rather than on screen using the Sales Register as you are asking). 


      If you are wanting to do some more advanced reporting then can I  suggest that you also look at some of the MYOB Add-on solutions that can provide Advanced Sales analysis righ now. 


      As an example using our Business Intelligence software BI4Cloud you can do dynamic sales analysis where you can Filter, Sort or group your sales by many different dimensions including Customer & Customer Groups, Product & Product groups, Salesperson, Referal Source, Sales by day by week by quarter by month, comparisons to any prior period and including Sales, Qty, Margins etc.


      Below are a couple of simple examples:


      Sales register including Invoice Memo and margins - From here you could filter or subtotal Invoices by the many dimensions I mentioned above.



      Or run a High level report Analysing by Referal Source - this summarises all invoice by each Referal source type, you can see how much each Referal Source is contributing to your Sales and Gross margin over any time frame. Simply drill down on each Row to see the Customers /Items/Invoices that came from each Source.


      If this is of interest please do try the 14 Day Free trial of BI4Cloud at www.BI4cloud.com


      Jennifer Kelly CA


      02 8011 1511

  • AndrewSimms's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    in following from above, our company would like to be able to find sales according to the shipping address. We have multiple sales for single customers. A date, price and quote number isn't very useful in trying to locate a particular sale from the sales register window. let alone anywhere else in myob.

    • I think it'd be a great idea for users to be able to personalise the columns shown to them in the sales and purchase registers. e.g. add in the column that shows an invoice due date, journal memo note, even the invoice/sales description. take out columns that you don't need. 


      I know we can do this in reports but not all users need to run reports and the registers provide the info needed for general tasks. 

  • Butch_Dixon's avatar
    Experienced User

    Currently using BI4Cloud and thoroughly recommend it.


    But we have multiple users and it would be so handy if we could have the option of just adding one column of our choosing to the Sales Register. 


    I understand the limitations of Accountright, but the addition of these small variables open up doors which make Accountright so much more useful - and therefore eliminates the need to upgrade to a more advanced product.


    For example we use the Cust PO No. field for courier tracking numbers. This has been really handy for our sales team when handling inquiries. But Starshipit doesn't communicate with this field. We could use the comment field, but that does not display on the Sales Register. 

  • dOrepast's avatar
    Contributing Partner

    I would like to add a column to the sales register window too.  Has this issue been resolved since this post?  If so, please advise how to do this.




  • Hi Guys,


    It would be great if we had the ability to add further columns to the Sales Register based on fields from the Sales Invoice.


    Eg. Salesperson, Journal Memo Fields or the "Ship to" Field name...


    We invoice out to a "parent company" and ship to another "child" branch but details available in the sales register only show the "parent company". We change the Journal Memo Field and Salesperson Field (Work Around) on each invoice to reflect the branch that we have sent to.


    This would allow you to see the Parent Company that was invoiced and the Child Company sent to which would be great.


    Surely other companies are in the same boat as us?


    Thank you.

    • DazzaB's avatar
      Experienced Cover User


      If you manage to get them to add the ability to add or customise any columns in any onscreen report/sales /purchase then please let me know how you managed it 

      I have been asking for column customisation for all onscreen entities for about 15-20 years and so far ZIP has been done 

      So best of luck 



      Great idea but I dont think they have the programming skills to do it 

    • DazzaB's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      When will myob allow the user to pick what fields are required in the onscreen display for 

      1. sales

      2. purchases

      3. auto ordering 

      and probably most of the other screens as the fixed ones are only half usefull as you are constantly going to the parts card to find the rest of the information that you require

      Dont they realise that every business is different and that what works for one doesnt for another

      Even within a business different people could require customised arrangements of sales/purchasing/ordering etc to make their job more efficient

      Hope this gets some traction and something done soon


  • nqbc's avatar
    Cover User

    Yes agree 

    I have to put details at the end of my Purchase order number to help provide details on which job is which and addtional 

    Notes or Memo column would be very useful

  • I would love to be able to customise this screen.

    Remove columns and add additional information as a form of sorting sales into relevant information like, Sales Department (we have 3) and Job Number.