CloudMindAcc's avatar
Ultimate Partner
11 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Allow for deposit transactions (order payments) to be edited/reversed/deleted

When users receipt monies to a order, apply payment to order and then turned the order into an invoice, why is it I can't amend, reverse or delete a payment?  


Often clients or even bookkeepers might enter the payment to the incorrect order, we just want to change the date or deposit to a different account number.  Typical scenario the user forgot to allocate the payment to undeposited funds and put the payment directly to the bank account.  We can't change a thing!


The below example is tested where I have the reverse tick on and off.  Either one does not work as options are greyed out.


Below example of how you can't delete or reverse


Example of how you can't amend the date or the account number where funds are deposited to:




Often end users are making simple mistakes and get very annoyed when they can't fix the mistakes easily and often end up making more of a mess trying to fix it.  I see this mess all the time with clients using sales orders, applying payment and converting to an invoice. 


Then the bookkeeper/consultant comes into play and also gets frustrated because we can't make a small amendment without going through a 5-10 minute process.  So 6 transactions will take a minimum of 30 minutes to fix.  


It is difficult for a consultant to train some clients in this current lenghtly steps.  The clients are not bookkeepers and they get very confused. 


Currently in order to amend, reverse or delete the only way this can be fixed is to follow this lenghtly process  :smileyfrustrated:


In order to clear out the deposit you need to reverse the sale.

  1. Click on Set up from the toolbar menu, click preferences, click on security tab and put a tick on <Transactions can't be changed they must be reversed>
  2. Now locate the original sale and click into the sale
  3. Click on Edit from the toolbar menu and then click reverse
  4. Click Record Reversal
  5. Now go into your sales command centre, click on sales register and click on the <Returns and Credits Tab>
  6. The reversed sale should be displayed.  Click on Apply to sale
  7. Now click Pay Refund for the amount of the payment.  (This will reverse the deposit from your bank account)
  8. Finally now you will need to re-enter the sale in again and apply the correct payment and date. Phew


Please vote for this to be fixed.   

Cheers "Clouds"


"Sales Order Function - ability to reverse/delete or edit a payment when applied"


  • CamGuru's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I have applied a payment to an Order, turned the Order into an Invoice at a later date and then discovered that it was not this particular customer that had made the payment. (I'm sure we're all aware that some people who pay by EFT use very vague descriptions, making it difficult to correctly allocate payment). The steps to rectify this (and the support notes online) are extremely convoluted. Even the person I was speaking to at MYOB was confused. There needs to be something to make this easier so that payments applied while an Invoice was still an Order can be reversed or deleted - perhaps a selection of deposit (or something to that affect) when applying the payment?

  • CloudMindAcc's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi  NewUser2014 


    In order to clear out the deposit you need to reverse the sale.

    1. Click on Set up from the toolbar menu, click preferences, click on security tab and put a tick on <Transactions can't be changed they must be reversed>
    2. Now locate the original sale and click into the sale
    3. Click on Edit from the toolbar menu and then click reverse
    4. Click Record Reversal
    5. Now go into your sales command centre, click on sales register and click on the <Returns and Credits Tab>
    6. The reversed sale should be displayed.  Click on Apply to sale
    7. Now click Pay Refund for the amount of the payment.  (This will reverse the deposit from your bank account)
    8. Finally now you will need to re-enter the sale in again and apply the correct payment and date. 

    For a new user.. this can be a nightmare hence I want it changed as it causes my clients so much frustration... hope this helps.  Let me know if you need further clarification and I will post a screen shot example.:smileyvery-happy:

  • I have just done this and I can't fix it!

    I take payments for memberships. I took an extra payment by accident from a client. I refunded the client and went through the above process - but I FORGOT to add it to undeposited funds and now I can't get my 'batch' group correct on the reconcilliation (deposit funds group).


    To FIX this:


    Are you saying that I need to:


    1. Forget what I just did.

    2. Enter a new sale (re-enter the mistaken extra payment and the date I did it)

    3. Then go through the above 'refund' process - AGAIN - ensuring that I put it to 'undeposited funds' this time??


    Is this what I should do.?


    Any help would be SOOOO appreciated. THANK YOU!!!


    and THANK YOU again!!

  • Voted - I spent 90 minutes on the phone to the helpdesk today with this issue.  Seriously all companies that have inventory have this issue as a deposit will be applied to an order as it can't be invoiced until the parts have gone into inventory. This needs to be looked into for a fix promptly.

  • Noel4819's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I also totally agree, this has caused a lot of heartache and waste of time... please it needs to be changed much more easily than it is now.

  • I agree, this problem has caused me much grief.  Thanks BooksInTheCloud for raising this and also for providing a solution!!  You're a star!!!  (Have voted).

  • Hi FionaSecond its great to hear that you agree with this suggestion being added in. I'd strongly suggest that you add your vote to show your support for this idea by clicking on the vote button in the top left of this page. This is how we track the demand for these ideas and if users don't vote we don't have the information we need to prioritise these suggestions.

  • I could not agree more with this request. There must be a better way to editing or deleting Deposits.


    Please help!:smileymad:

  • Status changed:
    Thanks for your suggestion on changing how the current method for changing transactions with payments applied work. Changing this setup will need a bit of work but its something that we're happy to look into to see what options we have available. Other users who would like this added please do remember to add your vote so we can see how much demand for this there is.