JBK's avatar
11 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Paid Today - Select account

Purchases when paying from the Purchase screen (PAID TODAY) can we select what account we want to pay from. Instead of it going straight to the linked account.


  • SimonM1981's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    This DEFINATELY needs looking at.  We have about 40 invoices to enter in a day and now 50% would be with Paypal.  In payment methods we have "Eftpos", "Direct Deposit", " Cash" and "Paypal".   In the past most businesses would only have 1 account but with Paypal now that is like having 2 bank accounts that need to be reconciled.  

    We we do invoices and mark the amount as "Paid Today"  the accounts are linked to our main Cheque Account.  That is fine for "Eftpos" and "Direct Deposit" but for "Cash" it needs to be able to be linked to "Undeposited Funds" and "Paypal" payment method to our Paypal account.  

    Currently we have to go back into the the transaction journal and bring up the payment and manually change it into the correct accounts.


    Wouldn't be to difficult to have a "Payment Method" linked to a "Bank Account or Undeposited Funds".   PLEASE can you look at this...would save us lots of time each day and I'm sure there is a growing number of businesses that run more than 1 account now that Paypal is used so much.

    Kind Regards



  • Raelene's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    When entering bills and sales it would be useful if there was a drop down box so you could pick which account you want to pay or receive money in the "Paid Today" field.  it is half way there in the Enter sales window, but it only gives you two options Account, which you can't change without going to the set up page, or undeposited funds.


    This would save a lot of time especially as we have multiple accounts are being used.


    • ShopOfToys's avatar
      Experienced Partner

      We need this also. IT would save a lot of time.


      Currently we have to record each sale as a two step process  "Enter Sales" and then "Receive Payment" so we can select the account to deposit the payment into.  Depending on the payment method, the account to deposit sales funds into can vary.

    • JAC_3's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      It would be great for us particularly as most of our "paid today" is from our credit card expenditure.

      Probably wouldn't need this feature if we were able to add PDF, like we do in purchases, to banking spend money.

      Either feature would really save time.

  • Beverly1's avatar
    Contributing Cover User


    When entering Purchases/Sales Invoices, there is an option of 'Paid today'.  This defaults to the cheque account or another bank account.


    How can you apply the payment/receipt here, but have the option to change the bank account the payment/receipt  is to be applied against, as well as to or from a credit card.


    This would save the tedious task of having to enter the invoices and then 'Make Payments' or 'Receive Payments' - meaning 2 transactions.


    Thank you

    • AndreaLaw's avatar

      I agree, great idea, bank rec is still a little confusing now.

    • Liam_M's avatar
      Former Staff
      Status changed:

      Hello Beverly1. Thanks for the excellent suggestion. Having a field to select the bank account used next to the 'paid today' field on sales and purchases would certainly make this field more useful. As well as speeding up data entry it could also help to prevent errors. Could all users who would like to see this field introduced, please cast your vote here.

      You can change the accounts used by these fields currently. To do this go to setup and click linked accounts. Select sales accounts or purchases accounts as appropriate. For sales change the account in the field 'bank account for customer receipts.' For purchases change 'bank account for paying bills.' Obviously since this is done outside of the actual sale or purchase, this isn't as convenient as having the field on the sale or purchase would be.

  • When using the "PAID TODAY" field, enable it so you can choose which account to pay from (eg. perhaps a drop down list).. not just the default account... but perhaps, for example, a credit card account. 


  • I would love it if when you are inputting invoices that it give you the option of what account you are paying the invoice from. At the moment you have to record the invoice and then go to payment to choose what account you want to pay the invoice with say with a credit card.

    It has the paid today choice but not the account which you pay with it automatically goes to cheque account. If it was set up like the form in sales where you have payment method this would be a great time saver.

    Thank you



  • Colleen's avatar
    Valued Partner

    Entering purchases and payments at the same time is a common scenario for bookkeepers who run creditor systems and make entries after the fact.  In businesses where there are divisional accounts, there are often different bank accounts for each division.  I'm not talking huge businesses here, they will probably have real time invoice entry.  


    The main reason for the purchase invoice to be entered is to track stock, or to track purchase history from a supplier.  AccountRight has no card history when entering via the bank - the purchases history is all based around creditors (I might bring that up in another post).  


    Back to your comment Dan, do you think the bank feed is smart enough to recognise each paid invoice and allocate the payment quickly?  I like to enter the payments as I go so that I know what's outstanding at any given time but others might use the bank feed first.    

  • Status changed:
    Maybe later
    Thanks for the feedback, I'd be interested to know more about the scenario - how many different accounts do you pay from? Could the bank feed function help in this scenario by allowing you to record the payment quickly?
  • suebell's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    I have suggested this before and got a reply suggesting that it could already be done.  I think it iimpossible in sales but would be a huge time saver if available in purchases.  Would save heaps of time!

  • suebell's avatar
    Trusted Cover User
    Hi, when entering a new purchase it would be handy to be able to select the payment type in the Paid Today box. There is currently only the default account but it would save heaps of time if I could select another account type here in stead of having to do a separate bill payment.
    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi suebell


      Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight. I've merged it with your existing idea already included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange about this topic.

      This idea is something that the team are still considering. As such we still encourage other users to vote and comment if required for this idea.

    • suebell's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      I can enter a sale and payment (where I can select the payment type on the same screen).  Would REALLY love to be able to do this on the purchases screen as well (can only use default payment type at the moment).  At the moment I have to save the purchase then go back in again to make the payment if it is anything other than the default account.  This wastes so much time.  A drop down box as on the sales invoices would be perfect!


    • David_Cree's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hello Susan,


      I am sorry - I thought that you were referring to SALES & not PURCHASES. Hence my comments.


      No there is no similar option.


