Improvements's avatar
Contributing Cover User
11 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Use today's date not last entered date

Please add an option to select in Sales preferences, so when creating an invoice it defaults to today's date, not the last entered date.


"Default Date Setting/Preference"


  • Hi GTC_3061


    Thank you for your comments in regards to this idea.

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  • GTC_3061's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Totally agree.  This is a MAJOR flaw.  I'm a new user and cannot believe that MYOB is so backward in not having a date generated system that also defaults to today's date.

    So frustrating.


  • DazzaB's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Im having a rant evening due to just trying Accountright 2015 v2 and seeing no improvements re lots of issues

    Are other people having problems with Myob defaulting invoice dates to the last recorded one

    This is a major issue and if others are having problems themn please let me know

    I can understand why it would be useful for someone inputing information from a manual system for them to be able to change the date and it to stay set at wheat the last recorded invoice was 


    for those of us using it for recording pended Invoices from yesterday or last week and then doing a current today invoice then the last thing you want is the date to keep defaulting to the last recorded invoice date 


    The default for each new invoice should be the current date (seeing as a lot of people would be using Myob online for counter sales) 

    this causes us problems especially at the beginning of the new month as we get accidental backdated invoices due to recording last months invoices in this month and then doing a current month invoice 

    The best solution is to give the usuer the option of what their computer defaults to ( not a system wide option but a local one ) 

    3 possible options 

    1.    Current date always

    2.    Last recorded invoice date

    3.    the user sets the default date ( for someone who imputs data from the day before )

    Please note same issue with Purchases too 


    Some help and changes would be appreciated 


    • AaronWhite's avatar
      Experienced User

      I do hate to say it, but I do like how it does default to the last entered date. We enter invoices at the end of the month, so would be constantly changing the date.  Perhaps MYOB needs a option for which defaults it should be using?


    • GDK's avatar
      Super Partner



      Totally agree with DazzaB comments as I found this a big problem at end of month.

    • HMS_001's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi Darryl,


      You have minor problems. I can't even log in now as my subscription has been cancelled. Why ???

      MYOB is written by B grade programmers. Its a crap program when it works but is far worse when it wont let you in !!!!!!!

      Good luck mate - make plans to move to Xero.



  • Handyman73's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    It makes sense. For the most part we require the invoice date to be the day we are actually doing the invoice. Yes, sometimes invoices need back-dating, but only sometimes. I can't tell you how many invoices I've done without realising the date is not "Todays date". At the very least the program could pop up a warning box asking if we're sure about the date not being that of today.

  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Agree, so long as any backorders arising are created at the date of the original order.

  • Great idea, especially when clients are changing from an order to an invoice and the date defaults to the order date. The date should default to the current date as the client may forget to lock a prior period and the sale is recorded potentially some months ago. 

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Great suggestion. If anyone else would like to see option, please vote for this idea. If you would like to see this applied to other areas too (purchases, spend money or receive money for instance) then please leave a comment below.