DazzGC's avatar
10 years ago

Search: Ability to search for partial item description

We are a small business with a large volume of SKUs, and approximately 30,000 line items. We can't remember all the product descriptions so the ability to search within a description string is quite essential. Xero and Sassu both search the entire description whereas MYOB requires you to enter the exact description. This is a real pain to generate item based invoices.

For example:


Product Description: Dark Blue Shirt


For MYOB you must search: "Dark" to bring this item up as an option, whereas you should be able to search for "blue".


MYOB retailmanager allows asterisk and question mark wildcard operators (ie *blue*) to search for a string within a string. At the very least Accountright should be able to offer this search functionality. I can't image it would be difficult.


The same search functionality would be useful for Customer, supplier and pretty much any other searchable field.


We will not be able to migrate invoicing to MYOB until this feature is enable or a suitable work-around (ie wildcards) is provided.

"Improved search functionality for searching within item description"


  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi SimonM1981, Steven_M, I have discovered that the asterisk search (Edit: for items on transaction lines in the sales window) does not work when Preferences are set to search by item name, not item number. If you untick that preference (which you should no longer need given the new search options), then your searches should work. (Go to Set-up, Preferences, Windows tab).


    Edit: I've tried to replicate this since re-opening the file, but cannot do so.



  • Hi SimonM1981


    I was just testing what Mike_James was referring to (which I was unable to replicate by the way Mike) and may have stumbled across what may be preventing you from using that asterisk search.

    The asterisk search only works if you are searching in the relevant fields underneath the column headers i.e. the Green section in the below screenshot. This method will not produce any results if you are enter it into the Item Number field directly i.e. the Red section - this requires the exact item number/description (preference dependant) to be entered.

    If you are entering into the space underneath the column headers and its still not working for yourself do produce those screenshots so we can investigate further for you.

  • SimonM1981's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Steve & Mike

    Thanks for your explainations.  Steve...I have tried how you eplained and it works perfectly.  THANK YOU SO MUCH.  This saves us a lot of time.  While it is not quite as goos at the Item List search it is close. 

    Thanks again and all the best.


  • BRE's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    MYOB does not allow for variances in entering word search eg: probes. Will not find if saved as probe - shows zero entry - when there are 12 entries for probe - because I placed and extra character it will not find.?@%&

  •  How do you use the new implemented search feature?  I can't work out how

  • Hi Snoogan


    As mentioned this idea has been implemented with the release of AccountRight 2016.3. 

    I would recommend ensuring you are using AccountRight 2016.3 or later, this can be checked via Help>>About AccountRight.


    If you are using AccountRight 2016.3 or later, when selecting to add an item to an invoice or purchase you can select the drop down arrow on the right hand side of the Item Number field. This will generate a full list of your items that can be included on that transaction, you can then select the relevant field under the corresponding heading and enter values to search your items - for example:




    Do note that this feature has not been included in the AccountRight Classic (v19) range of products.