Louise_Stelzer's avatar
Contributing Cover User
12 years ago

Setup: Expired session

I have a client that quite often gets the message that the session has expired due to inactivity. While I (the bookeeper) am there, the file is always in use, so I rarely see this message.


The client would LOVE to be able to turn this function OFF. (they would then take full responsibility for the 'protection' of their file)


There has been more than one occasion when they have gone to MYOB, spent -in some cases condierable-time entering an invoice for a customer at the counter, on the phone or producing a quote, only to have the system say (at the END of the entry) that the session has expired, and having to re-enter all the information.

"Your session has expired"






  • I agree with this

    Its frustrating when you spend time actioning a task like creating an entry and when you go to save it you get this message and have to start again

    If you need to keep this feature then at least show it upon activating the sofware. Dont allow people to do work in the system and then force them to start again and cause them to waste their time. Its very clumsy and annoying. If you have a timelimit before expiring, how about adding a timer in the desktop app that matches and then check that before accepting inputs
