Jackie_Welsh's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Statements: Email or print option

As a small company the option of printing or emailing statments is a very valuable tool.  However, after emailing the customers who provide you with an email address it would be considerably easier if the same customers did not then appear as an option on the "to be printed" Statement list.  Currently you have to rely on your memory as to whom you have emailed.  So my idea would be to have a default option as to "email or print statements".


"Statements - emailing or  printing option"


  • Status changed:
    Thanks for the great idea Jackie_Welsh. I think the best solution to this would be being able to set delivery status for statements in the customer card file. We would love to hear what others think about this. The best workaround currently would be to setup Identifiers on the customer card, P for print and E for email. This way when going into print/email statements you can filter by identifier.
  • When some customers have Email addresses and you want to email staements you select the "To be Emailed" tab.

    The resultant list shows which customers have an email address and you can select accordingly.

    The balance of statements then need to be printed and posted.

    But when you select the "To be printed" tab there is no indication of which customers have email addresses making it difficult to select appropriate customers for printed statements.


    Simple solution would be that if you selet the "To be Emailed" tab and selected a non email customer that the system would reroute that statement to the default printer.


    Simpler option from MYOB perspective would be to use the same "to be emailed" screen which shows who has email addresses when you select the "To be Printed" tab.

    • JCHastings's avatar
      Cover User

      Totally agree.  I am not new to Myob but up until now was working in the past.  Decided this month to go fully in the Cloud plus electronic all documents.  I have just run the EOM and this is so annoying. To me this program should automatically detect if no email address default to print.  I have wasted all morning checking who received email and who did not.  PLEASE put this in your priority basket.  We are trying to save paper but seem to be using more and more.

    • Colleen's avatar
      Valued Partner

      I am going to vote for this as well but in the interim, you can set up identifiers for Print and Email and then filter on the identifier when you come to Print or Email the statements.   Use the Advanced Filter settings.  

    • junedyn's avatar

      Some indication on the to be printed list that the customer/supplier has an email address entered into the system would helpful, rather that having to switch back & forth between tabs.

  • Robyn1202's avatar
    Experienced User

    I want to be able to email Statements without having to tick each client who has an email address. I have over 1000 customers and about half have email addresses that they wish to receive their invoices and statements by email. When you send the invoices they go to the email addresses but when you send the statements you have to tick each one individually.

    • TonyLane's avatar
      Ultimate Cover User

      Hi Robyn1202 , Paul_Brennan , Infinesse , HTF and Kadria  


      This is a popular "new idea" and one which already exists on this link Statements - emailing or printing option; it was suggested on 4/3/2014 by user Jackie_Welsh 


      It presently has 33 votes (including mine) and is currently "Under consideration" and it has attracted more votes than this one which had been put forward 4 months earlier on 3/12/2013.


      Please show your support for it by adding your comments to that "new idea" then vote for it by clicking its "+ Vote" icon.  The more votes it gets the greater the chance it will be selected for implementation.


      Thank you.

  • As few users would have a complete list of client email addresses, AR doesn't seem to have the option to flag a statement as 'already printed/emailed' once it has been done within a month period. Or an option to tag a client to 'To be printed' or 'To be emailed' for statements, just you can with invoices.


    • Bumper's avatar

      This would save a lot of time. We have some customers we email, some we fax and some we post.


      It is really difficult to sort through statements to determine which have been sent out and which haven;t


      Currently I am using the Identifiers Tab, but it is far from best solution.


      Would really love to see this in the next update.